Week Fifteen Prompt: The Future of the Book
How have reading and books changed since you were a child, for you specifically? Since I was a child, books have changed significantly, especially with the advent of digital content such as eBooks and eAudiobooks. I have always loved reading books, seeing book cover art in person, and holding and reading print books. However, as technology became more popular in my lifetime and most people, including myself, now carry a smartphone with them everywhere they go, eBooks have become much more appealing to me. I love being able to carry multiple books with me in a little device that fits in my pocket. The only bad thing about eBooks is that I have become one of those people who reads eight books at once and takes a long time to finish them. There are so many books out there and I just want to read them all! I still buy print books for myself, I purchase print books at the library where I work, and I visit my local library regularly to check out print books, but having eBooks and eAud...